Monday, August 24, 2020
Hurdling the Olympic word police - Emphasis
Jumping the Olympic word police Jumping the Olympic word police Today, its precisely two years until the initial function of the Olympics and the second the eyes of the world turn towards London. Be that as it may, promoters not formally connected with the Games should dodge and plunge to have the option to take advantage of this consideration without cautioning the Olympic word police. That is on the grounds that a law went in 2006 disallows any blend of 2012, games, gold, silver, bronze and London to be utilized by anybody however official patrons of the occasion. Brandishing bodies have made it their business to shield their multi-million-contributing supporters from astute encroachers since 1996. That was the year Nike angered authority Olympic sportswear provider Adidas by setting up their own rose town inverse the primary arena. What's more, you may have found out about this years World Cup in South Africa being attacked by a group of orange-clad ladies elevating Bavaria lager to the revealed anger of Fifa, who had a restrictive arrangement with Budweiser. Ensuring your corporate pitch is a certain something. In any case, marking claims on singular words? Is that out of line? Compose and let us know. In the interim, if non-supports need to benefit as much as possible from the worldwide exposure in 2012, theyll need to get innovative. Getting a portion of the game watching spotlight without referencing the headliner will require distortions fit for an Olympic tumbler. It would appear that its not just the contending competitors who have only two years left to meet people's high expectations.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Structuring Your MessageUNIT4DB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Organizing Your MessageUNIT4DB - Essay Example In this paper, we will address why the opening of an introduction is essential and a few different ways to set up a successful one. The opening, starting or presentation of an introduction mentions to the crowd what is to come and what's in store. As per Mary Munter (2002), one must recall to â€Å"set the stage†, â€Å"grab attention†, â€Å"use humor with caution†and â€Å"state recommendations†in getting ready for the opening. (p. 43-44) She underscored the way this is where the moderator presents the subject, establishes the tone, and builds up validity. There are a few styles in doing as such, however it is prescribed to utilize a formal early on gadget. Viable conventional openers incorporate account, humor and including question. Steve Mandel (2000) clarified these widely in his book, The Effective Presentation Skills. Account, which is typically clever however not generally, recounts a short story to represent a point. Diversion, then again, utilizes a joke as a springboard to hold onto consideration and break the ice. Mandel, in any case, cautioned against humor that has something to do with sex, race, religion, or some other individual theme. As per him the cleverness must be connected to the speaker, subject, crowd, or the event. It should be moderate. Including question is somewhat dubious, so in the event that one doesn't have a clue about his crowd, he could request a display of approval in the wake of asking an open-finished inquiry. This is a protected route since crowd may offer an off-base response or split a joke at the presenter’s cost. (Mandel, p. 24) Enlightening introductions get rid of these gadgets and rather call for presentations that state statistical data points. (Asha, p. 96) For this situation, factual information or refering to the plan is utilized to open the introduction. Certainty signifies the effect of an introduction. That is the motivation behind why practice and readiness is significant. I have seen an awesome introduction destroyed in light of the fact that the moderator
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Teaching Kids How To Spell Makes You Realize How Lucky You Are
Teaching Kids How To Spell Makes You Realize How Lucky You Are I recently picked up a part-time job tutoring elementary schoolers from low-income homes in English Language Arts. I was given a Student Learning Plan for each child. The usual suspects were on these lists of expectations: students need to know the difference between adjectives and adverbs, be able to identify synonyms and antonyms as well as prefixes and suffixes, and be able to make graphic organizers and break down essays into main ideas and supporting details. Heres where things get complicated. I need to make sure my students learn all these basics so they can pass the multiple choice post-test theyre going to take in a few months. At the same time, I need to somehow teach these children how to spell. Because they cant spell. They really, really, really cant spell. Teaching someone how to read and write in English makes a person realize exactly how fed up the modern English written language actually is. Working with someone who cant spell makes your long for the Elizabethan Age, back before the written language was standardized, back when there was ONLY creative spelling. Now we live in an English-language world where the classic Sound it out will get you out the gate, but barely. When my students ask me why person is spelled with an o instead of a u (But the u makes the uh sound!) or why people has an o in it (But it only has an ee sound, it doesnt have an oh sound, why is the oh in there?), I have to give them the most dreaded of grown-up responses: Because. I hate being the grown-up who says Because. I never wanted to be the grown-up who said Because. But I only have a limited amount of time to teach them spelling, I have to devote the bulk of our afternoons and evenings together to drumming reading and writing comprehension concepts into their brains, making sure they can take effective notes on written passages and pass multiple choice tests. Still, my heart drops into my stomach when I go through the sentences they write and correct the mistakes. Seeing a perfectly spelled sentence with these kids feels like finding the holy grail. Its the rare sentence where only two or three words are misspelled. Its terrible how often I come across a sentence where EVERY word is misspelled. Those sentences feel like a punch to the gut and face. Reading out loud is no less a challenge for them. They stumble and stop and start. I can see their little faces turn red. Theyre tired of stumbling. They want to skate through sentences. They dont want to hate reading or writing. But how can they not hate it a little bit? How can you not hate climbing a mountain when you never seem close to getting to the top? Its something I havent thought about often enough, how lucky I was to be born into a reading household. It is a privilege to come from a family with bookshelves in almost every room, a family that regularly visited bookstores and libraries, a family where both my parents regularly read to me before bed. Ive been a reader for so long I forget sometimes that I didnt come straight out of the womb with my nose buried in a book. I forget that I was taught, because I was taught at such an early age and in such an organic way that I cant remember the learning being a struggle. I remember struggling through my multiplication tables and Spanish verbs, but I never remember struggling with reading. I want so much for the kids I work with. I want them to be able to pick up A Wrinkle in Time or From The Mixed-Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler and be able to dive into the pages as easily as they would cannonball into a swimming pool. I want them to rock their college admissions essay and I want them to go to a great school and read great books and write great essays about those books. I have gargantuan dreams for my students, but we have to take miniature steps to cross the great divide between where they are now and where I hope theyll someday be. So heres something to be grateful for today. Be grateful if reading feels like breathing and be grateful if you can write a sentence without wondering if all the words are spelled correctly. Its so easy to forget that being literate isnt a give-in, its a privilege we have so, so, so many people in our pasts to thank for.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Current State Of Health Care System Essay - 1410 Words
Introduction The current state of United States’ health care system is one of the most polarizing subjects of debate among scholars and other health care professionals across the globe. This can be attributed to the fact that at one extreme end, there are some who argue that that Americans have the best system of health care in the world (MePhee, 2013). Perhaps the availability of the state-of-the-art facilities and free medical technology that have become highly symbolic of the various industries in the United States have motivated the idea of the country’s health care system being unparalleled to others. However, there is a common belief that the fight for universal health care can only be successful if its current state of health care is described as a failure in the modern era as emphasized by MePhee (2013). As a matter of fact Wise and Yashiro, 2006 assert that there some individuals who describe the America’s system as being fragmented and inefficient, considering the staggering statistics regarding how Americans spend more on health care compared to other countries in the world. Additionally, they suffer from massive insurance costs and uneven quality of care, and thus understanding the debate about the two diametrically opposed viewpoints requires an in-depth understanding of the current health care issues in the United States (Rashidian, Joudaki, Vian, Baradaran, 2012). Essentially, this paper will identify one common health care issue, particularly health careShow MoreRelatedSicko: Health Insurance1226 Words  | 5 Pagesanother health care system for the US? Sources : The movie ‘Sicko’ Outline Introduction What is the movie about? 1st body paragraph Topic sentence: What is wrong about the American health care system? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Fair Wage System Did Not Exist Even Before The...
A fair wage system did not exist even before the Industrial Revolution. Along with that, the Industrial Age destroyed the eternal laws of supply and demand. As a result of the unfair distribution of wealth in the Industrial Age, a new school of theological thought emerged, known as â€Å"the Social Gospel.†This new theology stemmed from many theologians who developed economic theories and studied sociology. Despite the bad results from the Industrial Age, advocates still believed that it did have some positive outcomes that brought American citizens closer, including telephones, railroads, cars, trains, and growing cities. It was still believed that humanity could not be diverted from God’s ultimate plan with the anomalies caused by†¦show more content†¦However, many Christians didn’t share the same beliefs as the â€Å"Social Gospel†and formed their own theology, which was Fundamentalism. These Christians presented counterpoints to the theolog y. Fundamentalists rejected all the efforts made by Social Gospelers to compromise religion with the new technological advancements. They did not want to accept the new age of science and entirely put their trust in the Bible. Their theology was made with optimism for a better future, which could only be achieved by Christian revival. All their wisdom came solely from the bible; all findings made from science got disregarded. Political action was not something they participated in because they believed reform would come from personal salvation and an upheaval of Christian love. It was believed that social injustice was a result of the abandonment of God. Despite the differences, they both believed that new technological advancements and the scientific findings presented new possibilities that could help better the world. The churches started to feel that they were losing their sway in the lives of people because they were more interested in the new advancements in technology and sciences. These theologies contrasted greatly in their beliefs, yet they both agreed that a lot of the social injustice stemmed from greedy people who exploited for their own gain. Whether or not the people followedShow MoreRelated Karl Marxs Views on how Industrialization Affected Society Essay1488 Words  | 6 Pageson how Industrialization Affected Society The Industrial Revolution was the result of many interrelated changes that transformed society from agricultural communities into industrial ones. The most immediate changes on society because of this revolution were on the products that were produced, where, and how. Goods that were traditionally made in homes or small workshops began to be manufactured in large industrial factories. As a result, productivity and efficiency increasedRead MoreThe History and Formation of Labor Unions in the Unites States of America2389 Words  | 10 Pagesspoke these words in possibly the worst time during American labor history, the Industrial Revolution. During the Industrial Revolution, large numbers of people in the United States flocked to work in factories where they faced long hours, unsanitary and unsafe conditions and poor wages. Labor unions, or groups of organized workers, formed in the United States to ensure workers the right to a safe workplace and a fair wage in t he face of capitalistic factory owners seeking wealth. In exchange, unionRead More`` The Total Economy `` By Wendell Berry1719 Words  | 7 Pagesbeans while ordering a sweater made in Bangladesh. This entanglement with the rest of the world is not without its shadows, however. The items that we so easily buy and throw out exploit laborers and resources from the farthest corners of the world. 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Sociological perspectives Free Essays
I have been observing the political events of many countries as they unfold. Among the most fascinating of all was that in Kenya, a country in Africa which drew attention of the whole world after being highlighted as a result of the post election violence. I watched the campaign rallies as they were captured by the TV stations that were mainly dominated by three political parties; the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), the Party of National Unity (PNU) and Orange Democratic Movement of Kenya (ODM – K). We will write a custom essay sample on Sociological perspectives or any similar topic only for you Order Now I then focused on the whole country as a social system and finally narrowed down my observation to the close competitors who eyed for the presidential seat( http://video. google. com/videoplay? docid=-8434875422533573659 ) This paper examines all my observations as pertaining to the above highlighted situation through ‘a sociologist eyes’. As I watched the campaign rallies, I noticed that among the major political parties, there were common agenda. This were poverty reduction, job creation, fight against tribalism and inequality. In my quest to know more about the reason behind having common agendas, I realized that this country was stratified into different groups based on tribes, religious background and economic status. Economically, there were two major groups, the poor and the rich. The poor blamed the rich for accumulating large amounts of wealth through corrupt deals. They pointed out some major scandals that led to poor economic growth which resulted to increased poverty in the country. Examples of such corruption scandal include the â€Å"golden berg†and the â€Å"Anglo leasing†. The poor claimed that they were exploited by the rich, a situation that they said led to marginalization of some people and widened the gap between rich and the poor. The rich were supporting the political regime that existed at that time and they supported President Mwai Kibaki whom they said was the best president that people should support if they intend to achieve a high economic growth rate. Of course these were the owners of means of production and they intended to maximize on increasing their wealth. The poor were supporting Mr. Odinga who unveiled his plan to reduce poverty and inequality – something that the wealthy class in the country termed as a threat to investment( http://video. google. com/videoplay? docid=-4385739074127652954 ) These two groups divided the country’s population into two antagonistic groups and initiated conflict between themselves. The campaign took a different dimension when two tribes in this country came came out to out do each other and muscle out their way to compeat for the prestigious political position, the presidency. These tribes included Kikuyu and the Luo(http://video. google. com/videoplay? docid=6778777698786778125) As a result a debate for introduction of â€Å"Majimbo system†what can be referred to a Federal government came up. The two groups were once in another conflict since those behind PNU did not support a Majimbo government while those behind ODM and ODM -Kenya did( http://video. google. com/videoplay? docid=-5553237563976614777q=kenya+politics+on+tv-+kibaki+and+railatotal=22start=10num=10so=2type=searchplindex=5hl=en . As the election neared, another conflict came up. This time round, it was the Muslim community versus the Christian community where the Muslims wanted to get freedom to exercise their Sharia Laws. They claimed that they were never given freedom like the Christians who are the majority in the country. The Muslims therefore chose to support the ODM leader, Raila who had promised to address their grievances. The Christians rejected Mr. Raila ‘s proposal and threatened to demand their Christian laws to be enacted into state laws if the Muslims were given that â€Å"Special treatment†( http://video. google. om/videoplay? docid=-1185250696841707886 This reminded me of the social conflict theory which holds that no society can exist without conflict (http://www. allfreeessays. com/student/Consensus_Conflict_Perspectives_in_social_theory. html ) As I watched the political campaigns, it was clear that these political leaders wanted to create a positive image of themselves in order to win many votes. In the â€Å"Front stageâ⠂¬ as Erving Goffman calls it in his theory of impression management or dramatical approach to social interaction, they gave all sorts of good promises. They promised to create jobs, reduce poverty, fight tribalism and inequality. In the â€Å"backstage†they would go to their tribes and call for their support, promise their tribes how they would benefit more than the other Kenyans and how they will appoint people from their tribes in government offices, something which was contrary to what they were promising the citizens in general. Challenging each other in political arenas and their respective credentials further worsened the relationship between the â€Å"actors†When chaos erupted in the country and things seemed to run out of control, the former UN Secretary General, MR. Koffi Annan together with Graca Machele and Benjamin Mkapa led Mediation talks. The two political leaders, Mr. Odinga and President Kibaki appeared in Televisions as a way to inform the Kenyans that they were not enemies and were working together to put things in place. This was just a â€Å"front stage†since later on they both accused each other for what was happening in the country and clearly brought out a good picture of the ‘back stage’. These kind of actions by Mr. Odinga and President Kibaki is what Goffman said was analogously equated to theoretical drama. In this case, Mr. Odinga and President Kibaki together with their close supporters were the actors while Kenyans became the audience. This is the theory of symbolic interaction ism(Herman N, Reynolds L, pp. 76) Kenya is a society that is made up of individuals and groups of people who interact with each other and espouse a sense of ‘we feeling’. They share many things in common including laws, the presidency among others and they all work together to improve their welfare and the country as a whole. Within the system there are sub systems which include political system, religious system, education and economic system among others. All these have a function to perform in order to ensure the social system functions properly. It is important to note that all societies consist of social structures which play different roles but must depend on one another. In the case for Kenya, the disputed election results led to chaos. This paralyzed all sectors of the economy. Many families were forced to break especially where the Luo intermarried with the Kikuyu. This was a state of anarchy and anomie that led to high levels of insecurity and deaths of thousands of innocent Kenyans. All learning institutions were closed down churches were burnt down and in general there was social disorganization in the country. All structures that bond Kenya as a society were weakened and if it were not for the mediation talks led by the international society Kenya would have been torn apart. I observed it and the theory of structural functionalism crossed my mind. According to the structural functionalism school of thought, any society comprises of social structures. These social structures play specialized and important functions that bind the members of the society together. (Robinson W, pp 314) How to cite Sociological perspectives, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Warren G. Harding Essays - Warren G. Harding, Return To Normalcy
Warren G. Harding Warren Gamaliel Harding was an affluent speaker, he gave the business a free hand, and his return to normalcy led to a fairly decent presidency, plagued with a only few political scandals. He was born in the town of Corsica, Ohio in on November 2, 1865. His first real 30b was an editor of the local newspaper, and that is what got him interested in public affairs. He was married to Florence Kling DeWolfe, against her father's wishes who was a prestigious banker of Marion. She became a major influence in his life, and as his fortune improved under her watchful eye he became more of a prominent figure in the local community then finally attracting the attention of political authorities. He won the seat on the Ohio Senate, then served on William H. Taft's committee at the Republican national convention. He ran for lieutenant governor and was shot down, then was defeated for governor; he then ran for the senatorial nomination and finally won. He liked serving in Senate and really made no important speeches or introduced any important legislation. Having respectable qualities as a senator he was nominated to run for the presidential office by the Republicans. His campaign promises is one of the better known ones, he promised to return the country to normalcy a word he used to describe the good old days. He never really challenged the any major topics in his campaign promises mainly sticking to old Republican virtues so as not to cause any conflict. He also was on the fence for other legislation at the time such as the league issues. He mainly was a indifferent machine mouthing what the party told him to and not be creative or real with his own ideas. One main reason I believe this is because he did not really want the office, but felt more at home at the Senate but could not give up the opportunity. Some topics he used in his administration were as follows. He passed ship subsidies, a high tariff, immigration restrictions, and a Federal Budget system that lowered taxes. All of these were passed, except for the ship one, and made the country run smoothly for a time. Some major events that were taldog place in his time were one's of his own actions. One major action not of his fault was a major decline in the agricultural sections of the country were starting to effect the nation, and the Republicans soon were ousted and his friends began to stab him in the back. The Teapot Dome scandal involving the selling of naval oil reserves to private landowners, which caused major controversy in his term. Many of his other attributes were also being questioned, the Veteran's Bureau, and the Alien Property Custodians office were all being investigated. Even his Attorney General, Albert B. Fall was under close surveillance and investigation. He really didn't change history because of his way of going with the flow and never standing out on a limb. On a small not it showed the public that the oval office was not free from everything. Some of his not-so major legislation was the way he had a Laissez Faire economics about him. He gave the business a Ree hand and pretty much let them run free. This was just a way of backing the Republican Party's values. Some might say that because of these actions in a small way he contributed to the Great Depression. Like I said before he was a major floater through the office. I think the way he would effect the USA today would be his Laissez Faire economics and for example would not have caused or even questioned the break up of Microsoft. He would want the country to be like it was in the good old days so he would not really work to change anything drastic just make it more normal to his standards. He probably would have ordered company's to become y2k compliant, but that is about it. The simple reason being that it would continue to make the nation unchanged. He would have showed the world a different type of campaigning by staying in his hometown and that if anyone wanted to
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Eulogy for Western Culture Essays - Literature, Poetry, Eliot Family
Eulogy for Western Culture Essays - Literature, Poetry, Eliot Family Eulogy for Western Culture World War I brought about the most profound and impactful paradigm shift in Western culture since the Enlightenment, and Western culture still feels the ripples of its impact a century later. World War I was the deadliest war of its time in terms of both the number of casualties and the destruction of European cities and countryside. If the fatalities from the Spanish Flu, wh ich spread so widely as a direct result of the war, are included, WWI is the deadliest war the world has ever seen. Yet, o ut of this staggering loss came some hope. World War I accelerated the process of globalization that began in the 18 th Century , and this triggered an economic boom . However, t his new globalization , along with political mishaps at Versailles , set up the world for the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War. World War I sent the West into a new and chaotic world. Some found it exciting, while others found it horrifying. Ma ny lauded the e conomic and cultural boom of this post-war world; however , others mourned the straying from old traditions and values and felt that this cultural shift was a simple decline in morals. T.S. Eliot doubtlessly held the second opinion . In his 1922 poem The Waste L and , Eliot laments the decline of Western culture and intelligence and assigns the blame to people straying from tradition and religion to instead busy themselves with immoral activities, especially sex. However, Eliot also advises that there is hope for change if people will rectify their values. This essay will examine how Eliot uses The Waste Land to express both his disappointment and advice for Westerners after World War I by dissecting the symbolism infused in the poem . The Waste L and reflects the destruction and desolation of post-war Europe, both physically and culturally. In the poem, the waste land is physically desolate. Before one even begins reading, the title itself conjures an image of a broken land much like Europe's post-war landscape marred by trenches, bombs, and death. A lthough the physical devastation of Europe was staggering, the physical state waste land primarily serves as a metaphor for the state of Western culture : an intellectual and moral waste land. The primary features of the waste land are its dryness and pollution , and these represent the intellectual and moral decay of the West. The pollution of the waste land represents the disrespect that people were showing for their culture . T he land is filthy, and the nouveau-riche litter their houses with gaudy decor. The setting for part of the poem is London, and "brown fog," or smog from industrial waste, covers the city (70). Smog is a particularly apt symbol because it is completely encompassing. It hangs over a n entire city, or an entire cu lture. Wherever one looks, there is smog; wherever Eliot looks, there are magazines, dime novels, and movies. Similarly, light does not penetra te smog that is so thick that it appears to be brown. Refined culture and entertainment -like literature, plays, and symphoniescannot penetrate the smog' of pop culture. The famous Thames River that runs through London is also in a sorry state. It is so extraordinary for the Thames to be clean that it must be pointed out that "no empty bottles, sandwich papers, / [s]ilk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, [or ] cigarette ends" run float in it (175-176). Nevertheless, rats infest its bank s . Bodies of water are integral parts to civilization. Just as the Nile is synonymous with Egypt, the Thames is a symbol of London. If the Thames is polluted, London is polluted. Further, while yes, London is polluted with industrial emissions and litter, the grime primarily serves as a symbol for the pop culture that is polluting Western culture . This pollution is not necessarily ugly. The mansion in "A Game of Chess" is quite beautiful . A "candelabra," "jewels," "ivory," "marble," and "satin" decorate the interior ( 78-86) . However, the decor is ostentatious. It shows that the mansion's owners, the new wealth' of the West, do not have good taste.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Make Way for New Words
Make Way for New Words Make Way for New Words Make Way for New Words By Mark Nichol The Oxford English Dictionary has an insatiable appetite for new entries: Every three months, it expands its inventory with dozens of words. A recent newspaper article, however, sensationalized recent acquisitions by selectively announcing a pile of pop-culture-inspired terms, missing the whole point of a dictionary. The OED, like most other dictionaries, is descriptivist: It describes the state of the language. Some descriptivist resources weigh in on the formality of given entries, or their acceptability by a panel of language experts. The procedure for approving candidate terms for inclusion varies, as dictionary staffs differ on how long a term should have been in general circulation before it earns the stamp of approval. But dictionaries do not include or omit words based on their quality. So, withhold your outrage when you read that you can now find such entries as bromance (a close friendship between two men), guyliner (eyeliner worn by a man), and mankini (a man’s one-piece bathing suit with shoulder straps). The apocalypse is not nigh. The OED is merely reflecting usage. (Well, OK, maybe the apocalypse is nigh.) But wait, you argue. You wouldn’t be caught uttering or penning one of those words, inducted into the OED in 2011. My rebuttal? I deduce that you are over twenty-five years old. Well, yes, you might reply as is a majority of the world’s English-reading population. That’s true, and many people born in the last twenty-five years would probably be embarrassed to employ one of these terms in conversation, too. But many folks of all ages know these words they’re in our word-hoard, whether we choose to speak or write them or not. And though some may turn out to be ephemeral, the OED has rightfully catalogued them as being in current usage. Here are a few terms added in the most recent round that I predict might have more staying power than those listed above: Cybercast: an online audiovisual broadcast Paywall: an online system that restricts access to those who pay a subscription Super PAC: a political action committee with restrictions on funding as long as specific political candidates are not the recipients In the What Took You So Long category are such terms as blacktop, a verb describing the process of paving a surface (the noun form already existed in the OED’s pages), earthlike (self-explanatory), and supertitle, the word for transcribed or translated text displayed above a stage or on a screen. In the Department of Redundancy Department category is bimble, a synonym (primarily used in British English) for amble or meander. But English is replete with multiple words with the same meaning, so bring it on. An honorable mention, for clever coinage, goes to aptronym, the word for a personal name usually humorously or ironically suited to the person, such as in the case of an undertaker named Grimm or a clumsy woman named Grace. Whether you love or hate each of these terms or the hundreds of others being poured into dictionaries each year, keep in mind that although inclusion does enhance the possibility that they will be used more often, the realm of English is a free country, and you are welcome to accept or reject them in your own writing. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Math or Maths?"Replacement for" and "replacement of"People vs. Persons
Friday, February 14, 2020
What is the secret meaning of the art and how we knowers could access Essay
What is the secret meaning of the art and how we knowers could access the secret through emotions and imagination - Essay Example Through cultivating and releasing the spirit of creativity, art becomes a perfect tool for healing patients with serious mental disorders. Art liberates the process of creativity in our minds and seeks solutions to the problems affecting us in our lives. It helps us provide freedom and sustenance to our creativity and hence moving freely to any direction that is most appropriate for us. Art has acquired great significance in treating patients with critical mental sickness, patients with severe depressions, patients with anxiety and emotional disorders. In addition, some programs organized for solving addiction problems incorporate art to make them perfect. To add on that, people without mental disorders also use art to communicate their ideas, feelings, facts, thoughts and findings (Rustin 5). A person with serious fright attacks and horrified by most of the things that many take in a pace that include conversation with cashiers, driving and receiving telephone calls may remain stagnant in his house just because of fears outside. Art therefore, focus on current issues that induce stress as well as those of the past. Through art, the individual can learn how to deal with the problems knowing that he cannot run away from them. Paintings can also help remember previous problems and the means used to address them and cultivates a culture of acceptance in oneself and confidence in dealing with the problems. The paintings create a visual impression in one mind, which tends to reduce the imagination as one learns to familiarize himself with the situation. Art in this way makes what is invisible visible and thus easier to fight an enemy you see than one you do not see (Rustin 7). The arts paintings depicting the various problems facing the society will help reduce the imaginations and suffering. Problem sharing between individuals helps to reduce the adverse effects created by the problem. A painting therefore helps to create an impression of problem
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Human Resource Management Assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Human Resource Management Assignment 1 - Essay Example The emphasis is on doing right things at the right time instead of the earlier concept of sweating it out at the workplace without considering whether an effort is channelized in the right direction so that overall corporate goal is achieved at minimum effort. This approach is also known as Hard HRM where human resource is considered as another resource that has to be acquired at lowest expense, used sparingly and trained in such a manner that they become maximum productive (Daily News (Colombo, Sri Lanka), 2011). Answer 3 The first problem with soft approach to human resource management is that it is rather difficult to quantify the tenets of such an approach as all the aspects are more descriptive rather than quantitative. The second problem is it does not specify the exact actions that need to be taken to achieve the stated objectives thus managers tend to get confused about the desired course of action. The third problem is that this model by excessively adopting a ‘collect ivist approach’ dilutes the basic decision making activity of management which might result in loss of direction and chaos in an organization. The first problem with hard approach to human resource management is that it is not concerned with the societal and psychological issues of human resource. This results in a strictly regimented workplace where employees do as they are told which thwarts innovativeness and imagination among employees. The second problem is that if such an approach is adopted in a knowledge based organization it would surely face increased labor turnover. The third problem is organizations adopting hard approach are seldom able to adapt to a rapidly changing marketplace which has become the trend in modern days (Bratton & Gold, 2001). Answer 4 In modern day cutthroat competition in marketplace it is imperative for every organization to have an effective human resource management policy in place to continually stave off competitors while retaining cost se nsitive and efficient operations. HRM plays a significant role in this effort of an organization by extracting the best out of employees. It must be admitted that human resource happens to be costliest asset of every organization as human resource is capable of not only self improvement and development but is also gifted with innovative capabilities, and, who can deny that in present day market scenario where every other competitor has nearly similar access to resources, innovation is the only way to stay ahead. This also raises another very important issue. An effectively administered human resource management policy reduces conflicts in workplace and builds up an ambience of harmony that is again conducive to fostering commitment by workers to their workplace. Such a committed team of workers can be motivated without much effort on the part of the human resource managers. And, a motivated workforce goes out of their way to ensure that the organization they love, adore and are prou d to be a part of becomes a market leader (Chung, Jung, Baek, & Lee, 2008). Answer 5 The biggest impact of
Friday, January 24, 2020
Nuclear Medicine Essay -- nuclear medicine medical
Nuclear Medicine is the use of radioisotopes for diagnosis, treatment, and research. Radioactive chemical tracers emit gamma rays which provides diagnostic information about a person's anatomy and the functioning of specific organs. Radioisotopes are also utilizes in treatments of diseases such as cancer. It is estimated that approximately one in two people in Western countries are likely to experience the benefits of nuclear medicine in their lifetime. To understand what a radioactive isotope is a basic understanding of the atom is necessary. Atoms are comprised of three subatomic particles : protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons bind together to form the nucleus of the atom, while the electrons surround and orbit the nucleus. Protons and electrons have opposite charges and therefore attract one another (electrons are negative and protons are positive, and opposite charges attract), and in most cases the number of electrons and protons are the same for an atom (making the atom neutral in charge). The neutrons are neutral. Their purpose in the nucleus is to bind protons together. Because the protons all have the same charge and would naturally repel one another, the neutrons act as "glue" to hold the protons tightly together in the nucleus. While all atoms of the same element have the same number of protons, it is possible for atoms of one element to have different numbers of neutrons. Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes . For example, all atoms of the element carbon have 6 protons, but while most carbon atoms have 6 neutrons, some have 7 or 8. Isotopes are named by giving the name of the element followed by the sum of the neutrons and protons in the isotope's nucl... ...why does the technologist step behind a shield to prevent exposure to themself?" The radiation dose for each exam is relatively small, but over time, the dose can add up. There are many state and federal regulations limiting the total radiation dose that may be received by people working with radiation. To comply with those regulations, the technologist must follow strict precautions to keep their cumulative exposure to a minimum. Although no adverse health effects have been directly linked to low-dose radiation exposure, the medical community is playing it safe with regards to radiation. Most physicians are very careful about ordering radiologic tests. They should not order a study unless it will improve patient care. If you have a question about the importance or the necessity of a radiologic test that has been ordered for you, be sure to ask your physician.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Recruitment and Selection of Incepta Pharma
30th September, 2012 Homayara L. Ahmed Course Instructor Manpower Planning and Personnel Policy (J-601) Bangladesh University of Professionals Mirpur Cantonment Dhaka – 1216Subject: Submission of report on â€Å"Recruitment and Selection Process of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd†Dear Madam, Here is the report on â€Å"Recruitment and Selection Process of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. †, which you have assigned us as part of the course curriculum Manpower Planning and Personnel Policy (J-601). This is a group assignment, which was assigned after a series of class lectures and case studies. Thank you for offering us the opportunity to prepare this report. We appreciate the chance to apply our theoretical knowledge which will surely stand us in good stead.We hope that despite of the limitations, this report will give a fare idea regarding Recruitment and Selection Process of an organization to the interested readers. We will be glad to clarify queries if you have a ny. Finally, we thank you again for providing us the opportunity to carry out such study. Sincerely yours, Md. Hafizur Rahman †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Faruque Ahmed†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Recruitment and Selection Process of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Prepared for: Homayara L. Ahmed Course Instructor Manpower Planning and Personnel Policy (J-601) Prepared by: Md. Hafizur Rahman M1112023Faruque Ahmed M1112038 MBA-12 BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALS Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka September 30, 2012 Executive Summary Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a leading pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh which established in the year 1999. Now they are exporting their products in 57 countries. Around 4000 individuals from diverse disciplines are working in the company. To attain the goals and objectives, Incepta Pharma choose the right people both from internal and external sources. Only for entry level employees they use external recruitment and selection processes.Their external recruitment sources are universities and other organizations. Recruitment methods are job fair, campus recruitment, internships, advertisement, employee referrals. They use extensive interview method as selection tool. Person/organization staffing model is get priority in the selection process. For mid and senior level employees they follow promotion system based performance and experience. They always prefer employee referral. The main key factor of the success of Incepta Pharma is strong friendly and co-operative working environment.Employees share their tasks with each other. In suddenly vacancies of employment, employees work like team. CHAPTER ONE 1. Introduction: Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization. Selection then consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post. Recruitment and selection is the core objectives of HR division of an organization.To attain the goals of an organization choosing the right people in right at time right place is very important. Incepta follow their own recruitment and selection process to pick up the best candidates which adjusted their organizational culture. They believe in team work. Employees share their work each other and help to understanding the tasks. They build a very co-operative and friendly environment which is the main ingredient to meet their ultimate goals & objectives. 1. 1 Background of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. s a leading pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh established in the year 1999. Incepta began its operation with a handful of highly skilled and dedicated professionals guided by an able leadership. Proper strategic planning, technical excellence, swift and timely decisions helped them achieve their objectives leading to much faster growth. Incepta was able to anticipate the need of the market and provide the right product at the right time. High focus on R&D investment from the very beginning made possible the introduction of quality products ahead of its competitors in most cases. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. s now the 2nd largest Pharmaceuticals company of the country and recognized as the fastest growing of the top five manufacturing company in the country. . The company produces various types of dosage forms which include tablets, capsules, oral liquids, ampoules, dry powder vials, powder for suspension, nasal sprays, eye drops, creams, ointments, lotions, gels, prefilled syringes, liquid filled hard gelatin capsules, lyophilized injections, human vaccine etc. Since its inception, Incepta has been launching new and innovative products in order to fulfill unmet demand of the medical community.The focus has always been to bring new, more technologically advanced molecules and innovative dosage forms to the country. Headcounts: To ac hieve their purpose and mission, they affirm their values of integrity, respect for people, innovation, performance and leadership. Around 4000 individuals from diverse disciplines including pharmacy, microbiology, MBA, Accounting, Engineering and Medicine are working nationwide under the umbrella of Incepta. All the skilled and professional personnel are set at their very appropriate responsible positions. . 2 Objectives of the Study: * To learn about the real-life practices of recruitment and selection process practiced in incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. * To learn about the selection tools used and do a cursory analysis of the validity/reliability of these tools. 1. 3 Methodology and Sources of Data: Primary data: We collected information about recruitment and selection process of Inceta Pharma by face to faces interview. Md. Iftakhairul Alam Shehab Asst. Officer, Human Resources shared the recruitment & selection process of incepta with us.Secondary data: From the website of Incept a Pharma, we collected their background and some other information. 1. 4 Scope of Our Study: This report is prepared only the basis of Head office of Incepta Pharma which situated in Tejgaon, Dhaka. Basically we don’t emphasize on their whole industrial recruitment and selection process. CHAPTER TWO 2. Recruitment: To attain the ultimate goals and objectives of an organization, recruiting the right people is very important. Recruiting brings together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs. 2. Recruitment Sources: This is the first step in the recruitment and selection process. Sourcing candidates means organization employment specialist is using a variety of methods to find suitable candidates for job vacancies. Sourcing can be done via online advertising on job and career sites or professional networking and participation in trade associations. Another creative sourcing technique employment specialists utilize is monitoring employment changes at industry competitors to recruit applicants familiar with the same type of business you are operating.So recruitment sources are: * Internal Searches * Employee Referrals/Recommendations * External Searches * Alternatives The main external recruitment sources for entry level employees of Incepta Pharma are Universities, Other organizations. For entry level employees universities are good recruitment sources. Incepta pharmaceuticals is a reputed organization and maintain good working environment so employees of other organizations are also eager to join the organization. For mid and senior level they go for internal recruitment. 2. 2 Communication Message:There are about three types of messages (Traditional, Realistic job preview and targeted), organization may use to provide information that will attract a significant pool of qualified candidates and discourage unqualified ones from applying. Incepta Pharma normally use realistic job preview type message in their advertisement. 2. 3 Recruitment Method: 2 . 3. 1Entry Level: Incepta Pharma use job fair, campus recruitment, internship (mainly for pharmacists) advertisement, employee referral method for external recruitment. They use university teachers’ referral for pharmacists recruitment.Choice Basis: Generally for medical promotion officer (MPO) they give news paper advertisement. Here they need higher yield ratio because when applicants understand the responsibility and challenges during training period most of them switch the job. They use employee referral because it is cost effective and these types of candidates also have to cross an extensive selection process for final selection. So there is no possibility of nepotism. They use job fair and campus recruitment because the processes require less time and the methods are targeted.By using internship they can evaluate an applicant practically. Challenges of the Methods: Except advertisement by using job fair, campus recruitment, internship, employee referral methods they a re getting only limited applicants but a vast number of applicant are not coming to their applicants pool. So there is most possibility the organization is depriving from more efficient candidates. 2. 3. 2 Mid and senior level: The organization follows promotion system for mid and senior level employees. When the company was started they followed head hunting for mid and senior level employees.But now they use internal sources for mid and senior level employees recruitment. Mid and senior level employees turnover is rare in the incepta. When any mid and senior level employee turnover or dead then responsibility of that person is shared by his/ her team because they would like to do team work. Then the vacancy post is filled up by promotion system on performance basis. They do not follow success plan culture. Choice basis: If they use external recruitment processes for mid and senior level employees it will be time consuming and new employees will take time to adapt the environment.S o it is not good for mid and senior level employees. As they would like to do team work the employees know the duties and responsibility of their boss and colleague. So they can easily share duties and responsibility when a mid or senior level employee turnoff or dead. Challenges: If any time for uncertain situation turnover of mid or senior level is high then it difficult to share duties and responsibility among the employees. They may face to problem for development/succession plan as they are following internal recruitment process. CHAPTER THREESelection 3. 1 Selection: Selection of right people from vast number of candidates is a very difficult task. If there is continuous recruitment and selection process year round of an organization, those must have recruitment and selection department. Otherwise some organizations transfer their recruitment and selection responsibilities to the recruiting firm and they pay huge for it. Incepta Pharma handle their recruiting process own. Choi ce Basis of Selection Tools: For Initial Assessment Incepta Pharma overview Resumes and Cover Letters of a candidate.They take written test when a large number of employees are recruited. But for two or three employees they collect CV from CV bank and employee referral and start first interview. Though they prefer employee referral there is no possibility of nepotism because the applicants have to overcome an extensive selection process to get final job offer. So only efficient candidates are selected for their job. 3. 2. 1 Resumes and Cover Letters: All educational, previous experiences, extra curriculum activities and other required information are written in resumes and cover letters.And information needs to be verified by other predictors to ensure accuracy and completeness. Generally organization uses this selection tool to initial assessment of large number of candidates. But sometimes there is a possibility of falsification and misrepresentation of information in resumes and cover letters. Problem with resumes and cover letters: Though resumes and cover letters is the most cost effective method of selection but in words of validity or reliability is very low. Someone may be prepared his/her CV by other.Real work skills or knowledge cannot be measured through this method. 3. 2. 2 Interview Method: Any confusion/curiosity is dissolved with the face to face meeting between employers and candidates. Interview is very important to evaluate person/ job match. For making the interview effective organization should follows these rules: * Asking questions assessing most basic KSAOs * Sticking to basic, fundamental questions suitable for making rough cuts rather than subjective questions * Keeping interviews brief * Asking same questions of all applicants * Useing a standard scoring guideHowever it is almost impossible to judge qualified candidates without Job Knowledge Tests and Performance Tests and Work Samples. But Incepta Pharma take only resumes and intervi ew for selecting their qualified employees most of the cases. They take 3 step descriptive interview for choose their appropriate candidates. 3. 3 Selection Process: The selection process typically consists of eight steps: 1. Initial screening interview 2. Completion of the application form 3. Employment tests 4. Comprehensive interview 5. Background investigation 6. Conditional job offer 7. Medical/physical exam . Permanent job offer For entry level employees selection Incepta Pharma follow following sequence: Collection of CV| v Screening of CV| v Written test| v 1st interview by HR head | v 2nd interview by head of the department | v 3rd interview by director| v Conditional job offer| v Final job offer | Fig: Selection process for entry level employee of Incepta pharmaceuticals Ltd. Always they do not take written test. It depends on number and types of the employees. CHAPTER FOUR ConclusionIncepta pharmaceuticals Ltd. Wants to be research based global pharmaceutical company and a highly efficient generic manufacturer. Now they are 2nd largest pharmaceuticals company in the country and exporting their products in the abroad (57 countries). But they started their business from 1999. They are fastest growing of the top five manufacturing company in the country. The market position they gained within few years only possible by highly skilled and dedicated professionals who can take Proper strategic planning, technical excellence, swift and timely decisions guided by an able leadership.The most important factor that takes an organization in a leading position is its efficient and right human resources. Incepta obtained their skilled and experience human resources by well structured, concurrent and extensive recruitment and selection processes. They have own distinct recruitment and selection process. They prefer internal referral to pick up appropriate employee for their organization. Question may arise have they maintain nepotism and favoritism. Yes they use n epotism and favoritism in efficient and effective manner to draw attention of sufficient candidates who will be resources in future.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
About Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1939 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/04/01 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Topics: Anxiety Essay Did you like this example? Generalized Anxiety DisorderSarah is eighteen years old. She frequently has migraines, difficulty sleeping, and muscle pains that are unable to be alleviated. Sarah experiences severe difficulty in social interactions, asking questions, and processing stress. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "About Generalized Anxiety Disorder" essay for you Create order From the time she was ten years old, Sarah could not control her overthinking, worry, or fear. This worry often interfered with her daily life and prevented her from functioning at a normal level. Sarah has Generalized Anxiety Disorder and is among the 18.1% of individuals over the age of 18 that suffer from it in America (Anxiety and Depression Association of America). Anxiety disorders, specifically Generalized Anxiety Disorder, can severely interfere with the mental and physical health of an individual and have a neurobiological basis of explanation, and sufferers are often subject to mental illness stigma. SYMPTOMS Generalized Anxiety Disorder is one of the most common anxiety disorders, and unlike other disorders it is distinguished by the width of subjects that the patient worries about. Anxiety is considered a disorder when the worry interferes with the daily life of the individual (National Institute of Mental Health). Individuals like Sarah experience the common symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder such as fatigue, excessive worry, panic, and trouble concentrating (American Psychiatric Association). These symptoms can be found in the DSM-5 or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is used by mental health professionals to diagnose mental health issues (American Psychiatric Association). For many sufferers, symptoms such as fatigue and inability to concentrate can increase anxiety. In addition to mental symptoms, GAD can often produce somatic symptoms such as muscle aches and migraines as well as gastrointestinal issues (Sareen par 12). Generalized Anxiety Disorder can manifest differently in different people. For example, John is a 48-year-old man who has been diagnosed with GAD. Johns anxiety manifests through a need for control over the people and things in his life, his anxiety often is communicated as anger instead of fear, and he is often irritable. Nina, an 18-year-old who was diagnosed with GAD at the age of 13, is often withdrawn and quiet. She experiences headaches and gastrointestinal issues. Her anxiety is communicated through excessive preparation for every possible scenario, a constant need for reassurance, and overthinking what she says or does. John and Nina both have the same disorder but they process and express their anxiety differently. Similarly to how healthy individuals process emotion and external stimuli differently depending on their personality, GAD patients interpret and process their anxiety differently as well. CAUSES Generalized Anxiety Disorder can have several different causes, as well as many risk factors. Environmental factors have long been considered a possible risk factor for developing GAD, as well as genetics and heredity. For example, those who experience childhood trauma or stresses, such as a divorce in the family or abuse, may be at a higher risk for developing GAD (Blanco). According to the American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry, other risk factors include: female sex, younger age, single or divorced marital status, low socioeconomic status, poor social supports, and low education (Sareen). Females face pressure in their daily life that can easily lead to anxiety, including street harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination. Undergoing a divorce or being single can put a serious strain on financial income as well as putting a considerable amount of emotional stress on the individual. Low education and socioeconomic status could cause difficulty in finding emplo yment or advancing in status; for example, a lack of quality education can prevent someone from obtaining a higher-income job. All of the above-mentioned risk factors can increase anxiety in the individual experiencing them. When this anxiety is not properly dealt with and begins to interfere with the individuals life, they could be at risk for developing GAD. NEUROBIOLOGY OF GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER In the past, there was a very limited understanding of the neurological and biological basis for anxiety disorders. More recently, Generalized Anxiety Disorder has been studied on a neurobiological basis. Recent studies have documented differences in brains with anxiety disorders compared to healthy brains. One of these differences is in the amygdala, the part of the brain that controls fear responses. James Anderson explains this fear response, saying, The clusters of the amygdala are activated when an individual expresses feelings of fear or aggression. This occurs because the amygdala is the primary structure of the brain responsible for flight or fight response (Anderson par 36). This part of the brain is vital in processing emotion, particularly fear, and the activation of the amygdala in response to negative stimuli is an important factor of understanding anxiety. Anderson also explains the biological process that the body undergoes when experiencing anxiety, stating: Feelings of anxiety start with a catalyst an environmental stimulus that provokes stress. This can include various smells, sights, and internal feelings that result in anxiety. The amygdala reacts to this stimuli by preparing to either stand and fight or to turn and run. This response is triggered by the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream. Consequently, blood sugar rises, becoming immediately available to the muscles for quick energy. Shaking may occur in an attempt to return blood to the rest of the body. A better understanding of the amygdala and its various functions may lead to a new way of treating clinical anxiety. (Anderson par 40) This reaction is the bodys way of preparing to face a danger, but when the body reacts this way often, it can be physically as well as mentally draining. This rise of adrenaline eventually wears off, and leaving the body to recover. This activation of the amygdala in response to negative stimuli is normal, exaggerated activation has been noted in anxiety-prone and diagnosed patients (Stein). In a study conducted by Murray B. Stein, two groups were tested to measure amygdala reaction in response to viewing negative emotions displayed on human faces. This task was used to attempt to measure the activation of parts of the limbic system during an emotion-processing task. Stein states that in response to this: We found increased amygdala and insula activation in young adult anxiety-prone non-patients relative to subjects with normative levels of anxiety proneness. We also found that the magnitude of activation in these limbic regions correlated moderately with several measures of anxiety proneness, such as anxiety sensitivity and neuroticism. (Stein et al) An increased activation means that there is an increased fear response, which gives biological proof for anxiety disorders. In addition to this overactivity, another study has found that the area of the brain that is partially responsible for regulating signals from the amygdala has shown a failure to activate, causing ineffective regulation of emotions and fear stimuli in the brain (Etkin et al). This region is called the pregenual cingulate cortex. Etkin states: Moreover, we recently found functional connectivity and structural evidence for an intra-amygdalar abnormality at a subregional level in generalized anxiety disorder (12). Thus, it appears that patients have deficits in both activating relevant control regions (pregenual cingulate) and in the connectivity required for such regions to exert control over limbic structures. (Etkin et al) The connections between parts of the limbic system are an important part of emotional regulation, and as stated above by Etkin, there was a lack or deficit in the functionality or existence of these connections. This would lead to an impaired ability to regulate emotion which is a possible cause of the excessive worry that GAD and other anxiety disorder patients face. The body has a system in place to regulate the emotions and stimuli that we experience every day, but what happens when it fails? The individual is then left with an onslaught of emotions that they have no way of processing. The overactivity of the amygdala and the failure of activation of the pregenual cingulate cortex are neurobiological evidence of the difference in the brain structure of individuals with anxiety disorders. Elizabeth Martin summarizes this concept in an excerpt from her study about the neurobiology of anxiety disorders, saying: The Neurobiology of Anxiety Disorders Commonalities in anxiety disorders include functional hyperactivity in limbic regions, particularly the amygdala, and the inability of higher cortical executive areas to normalize the limbic response to stimuli. (Martin et al) It is important to understand exactly how brains with anxiety disorders function. An understanding of these biological differences can help shift the attitude toward mental illnesses such as GAD away from personal responsibility of an individual and toward a comprehensive understanding of the true causes of anxiety disorders. STIGMA Mental illness has been surrounded by stigma. Stigma can take many forms, but is generally an association of negativity or prejudice toward a certain topic. Mental illness stigma often prevents or discourages people from seeking necessary treatment due to fear of discrimination or the negative reaction of others. According to, a survey conducted in 2010 showed that 46% of surveyed adolescents with mental disorders reported experiencing unfair judgment from family members because of their disorders and 62% reported experiencing the same stigmatization from their peers ( This level of judgment from friends, family, and society can deter an individual from seeking necessary treatment. For some individuals, this stigma prevents them from acknowledging that they need help, and self-stigmatization can worsen the symptoms they experience. For those who suffer from anxiety disorders, stigma can have an even worse effect. The constant worry caused by the disorder can heighten the fear of judgment from others which can become a barrier to seeking treatment. Due to fear of what others might think or say, they might avoid seeking help. By raising awareness of the reality of mental illness we can begin to dismantle the harmful stigma surrounding it. This can be done by educating ourselves about the causes of mental illness and having compassion for those who experience them. TREATMENTS Generalized Anxiety Disorder can be treated and many who live with this disorder can lead productive lives. Anxiety can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy, antidepressants, and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a good option for those who prefer not to take medication because it addresses negative thinking patterns and helps the patient devise coping strategies to manage the symptoms of GAD (Mayo Clinic Staff). Luckily, there is little to no risk associated with CBT, although it could cause emotional discomfort or general discomfort. This type of treatment is a good way to address and attempt to manage symptoms of GAD. Antidepressants and SSRIs are commonly used to treat anxiety disorders. SSRIs work in the brain to keep serotonin in the synaptic cleft by preventing them from being reabsorbed. It is believed that high levels of serotonin can cause an elevated mood, thus working to alleviate symptoms (McIntosh). Sarah has been on SSRIs for several years and has reported an alleviation of anxiety symptoms. For many like Sarah, cognitive behavioral therapy isnt enough and medication is necessary. Not all of our brains are the same, however, and what works for some patients may not work for others. CONCLUSION Generalized Anxiety Disorder is one of the most common disorders in the U.S. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 6.8 million adults or 3.1% of the American population suffer from GAD (Anxiety and Depression Association of America). Fortunately, this disorder is highly treatable. While sufferers still continue to face social stigma, attitudes toward mental illness are changing. The evidence of neurobiological causes of mental illness has helped shift these attitudes away from personal responsibility and toward a comprehensive understanding of the true causes of anxiety disorders like GAD. There is no cure but individuals can live productive and fulfilling lives even while living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
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