Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Cyber Attacks, Intrusion Attacks And Network Attacks
Introduction Organizational entities which store sensitive data and information have the responsibility of ensuring that the data are secure. Ensuring that this particular data and information are secure will more than likely be the responsibility of the Information Technology Security Executive. These executives will be required to implement the protocol and, software that will deter and prevent the different types of attacks that their organization faces. Some of the attacks include cyber- attacks, intrusion attacks, network attacks, and social engineering attacks. This paper will present research and comparison of methods of cyber-attacks, intrusion attacks and network attacks. Comparison of Cyber-Attacks, Intrusion Attacks, and Network Attacks Cyberterrorism, cyber campaigns, and cyber-warfare are all considered forms of cyber-attacks. Therefore, the spectrum of cyber-attacks will employ the gamut from computer viruses to data hacking targeting individual computers to organizations infrastructures and networks. These attacks have become more sophisticated and dangerous. McLaughlin (2011) Portends that international concern has intensified due to recent cyber-attacks. McLaughlin (2011), Stated that governments that known for being hostile could launch computer-based attacks on critical systems which are national and regional (McLaughlin, 2011). These systems include energy distribution, telecommunications, and financial services (McLaughlin, 2011).Show MoreRelatedCyber Terrorism1716 Words  | 7 Pagesbombing of a Chinese embassy in Belgrade. During this attack, government sites were hijacked and some sites suffered a denial of service attack. 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